阿拉巴马州最高法院批准了杰米·米尔斯的处决日期,他因 2004 年抢劫杀害弗洛伊德和维拉·希尔而被定罪。 Alabama Supreme Court authorizes execution date for Jamie Mills, convicted in 2004 robbery-slaying of Floyd and Vera Hill.
阿拉巴马州最高法院批准了对 50 岁杰米·米尔斯 (Jamie Mills) 的处决日期,他因 2004 年在吉恩抢劫杀害弗洛伊德和维拉·希尔 (Floyd Hill) 和维拉·希尔 (Vera Hill) 被定罪。 Alabama's Supreme Court authorized an execution date for Jamie Mills, 50, convicted in the 2004 robbery-slaying of Floyd and Vera Hill in Guin. 州长凯·艾维将确定确切的日期。 Governor Kay Ivey will set the exact date. 米尔斯因殴打这对夫妇并偷窃金钱和药物而被判犯有谋杀罪。 Mills was convicted of capital murder for the crime, where he beat the couple and stole money and medications. 87 岁的弗洛伊德·希尔 (Floyd Hill) 因伤重不治身亡,72 岁的维拉·米尔斯 (Vera Mills) 12 周后因头部外伤并发症去世。 Floyd Hill, 87, died from his injuries, and Vera Mills, 72, passed away 12 weeks later from head trauma complications.