40岁的男子和少女因持有价值140 000欧元的可卡因而在Limerick被捕。 40-year-old man and teenage girl arrested in Limerick for possessing €140,000 worth of cocaine.
在Limerick的Gardaí逮捕了一名40岁的男子和一名少女,当时一辆汽车被拦住,在搜查过程中发现了大量可卡因,估计价值140 000欧元。 Gardaí in Limerick have arrested a 40-year-old man and a teenage girl after a vehicle was stopped and a large quantity of cocaine, estimated to be worth €140,000, was discovered during a search. 根据1996年《刑事司法(贩毒)法》,嫌疑人被关押在南部地区的一个警察局,缉获的毒品将被送往爱尔兰法医科学局进行进一步分析。 The suspects are being held under the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996, at a garda station in the Southern Region, where the seized drugs will be sent for further analysis at Forensic Science Ireland.