逃犯商人Vijay Mallya声称银行从其资产中收回了两倍的债务,引发了法律辩论。 Fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya claims banks recovered twice the debt owed from his assets, sparking legal debate.
逃逸的印度商人Vijay Mallya声称银行从其资产中收回了14 131卢比,比Kingfisher Airlines案所欠6 203卢比债务的两倍多。 Fugitive Indian businessman Vijay Mallya claims banks have recovered over Rs 14,131 crore from his assets, more than double the Rs 6,203 crore debt owed from the Kingfisher Airlines case. 财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman确认了议会的恢复,强调了政府为解决金融犯罪所做的努力。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman confirmed the recovery in Parliament, highlighting the government's efforts to address financial crimes. 2016年逃离印度的Mallya表示, 除非当局合法证明过度回收是合法的, 他有权获得救济。 Mallya, who fled India in 2016, says he is entitled to relief unless authorities justify the excess recovery legally.