巴基斯坦总统命令银行向金融欺诈计划的受害者退还数百万美元。 Pakistani president orders banks to refund millions to victims of a financial fraud scheme.
巴基斯坦总统阿西夫·扎尔达里已命令六家银行向31名欺诈受害者退还2,41.36亿卢比。 Pakistani President Asif Zardari has ordered six banks to refund Rs24.136 million to 31 fraud victims. 受害人被冒充银行代表的个人欺骗,这些人通过电话窃取其银行细节。 The victims were tricked by individuals posing as bank representatives who stole their banking details via phone calls. 尽管银行发出了呼吁,扎尔达里支持银行Mohtasib关于赔偿受害者的决定,强调必须保护公民免遭金融欺诈。 Despite the banks' appeals, Zardari backed the Banking Mohtasib's decision to compensate the victims, stressing the importance of protecting citizens from financial fraud.