Edmonton儿科医生因散发虐待儿童视频被判处18个月监禁。 Edmonton pediatrician sentenced to 18 months for distributing child abuse video.
Ghassan Al-Naami博士是Edmonton儿科医生,因传播儿童色情制品,特别是经Skype传送的45秒虐待儿童录像,被判处18个月监禁。 Dr. Ghassan Al-Naami, an Edmonton pediatrician, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for distributing child pornography, specifically a 45-second video of child abuse sent over Skype. Al-Naami认为强制性最低刑期违宪,他也被命令在释放后登记为性犯罪人20年。 Al-Naami, who argued the mandatory minimum sentence was unconstitutional, was also ordered to register as a sex offender for 20 years after his release. 他的医学执照被吊销了 His medical license is being revoked.