洛杉矶县副警官承认犯有殴打跨性别男子的罪行. Deputies: LA County deputy to plead guilty in assault case involving beating of transgender man who flashed insult.
洛杉矶县治安官的一名副警长在殴打了一名将他甩开的跨性别男子后,将承认袭击罪。 A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy will plead guilty to assault after beating a transgender man who had flipped him off. 该事件发生在2019年,导致该副手因多项指控被起诉,包括使用致命武器和过度使用武力进行攻击。 The incident occurred in 2019 and resulted in the deputy being indicted on multiple charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and excessive use of force. 预计认罪求情协议将导致坐牢时间和结束他的执法生涯。 The plea deal is expected to lead to jail time and the end of his law enforcement career.