由于使用VPNs等匿名工具, 德里警方面临解决炸弹威胁电子邮件的挑战。 Delhi Police face challenges solving bomb threat emails due to the use of anonymizing tools like VPNs.
德里警方正努力解决自5月以来向学校、医院和机场发送的50多封炸弹威胁电子邮件问题, Delhi Police are struggling to solve over 50 bomb threat emails sent since May to schools, hospitals, and airports due to the use of VPNs and proxy servers, which obscure the sender's identity. 印度缺乏专门的法律来监管VPN, The lack of a dedicated law to regulate VPNs in India, along with providers often being based overseas, complicates investigations. 专家们说,需要先进的工具和国际合作来应对这些网络挑战。 Experts say advanced tools and international cooperation are needed to tackle these cyber challenges.