由于圣诞旅行激增,在尼日利亚东南部飞行负担不起,迫使旅行者乘坐公共汽车。 Christmas travel surge makes flying in South East Nigeria unaffordable, pushing travelers to buses.
尼日利亚东南部路线的机票激增,由于圣诞节和新年之前的需求很高,一些回程机票现在花费超过700 000奈尔。 Airfares for South East Nigerian routes have surged, with some return tickets now costing over N700,000 due to high demand before Christmas and New Year. 常见路线包括阿南布拉、埃努古、奥韦里和哈考特港。 Popular routes include Anambra, Enugu, Owerri, and Port Harcourt. 尽管空中旅行被视为更安全,但许多人转而使用更廉价的公路运输,如公共汽车,尽管燃料价格不断上涨。 Despite air travel being seen as safer, many are switching to cheaper road transportation, like buses, despite rising fuel prices. 政府计划帮助航空公司购买更便宜的飞机以降低成本。 The government plans to help airlines purchase cheaper aircraft to lower costs. 总的来说,国内机票在六个月内上涨了218%,迫使一些人推迟了他们的圣诞节旅行计划。 Overall, domestic airfares have risen by 218% in six months, forcing some to postpone their Christmas travel plans.