波士顿科学组织未经同意,将无人称道的机构用于培训,导致新的政策和伦理辩论。 Boston Scientific used unclaimed bodies for training without consent, leading to new policies and ethical debates.
波士顿科学发现,未经同意,将无人认领的机构用于医疗培训,促使政策改变,要求捐助方同意。 Boston Scientific was found to have used unclaimed bodies for medical training without consent, prompting policy changes requiring donor consent. 提供尸体的北得克萨斯大学健康科学中心自此停止了其捐赠方案,并停止使用无人认领的尸体。 The University of North Texas Health Science Center, which supplied the bodies, has since suspended its donation program and ceased using unclaimed bodies. 这种做法是合法的,但由于缺乏同意而被广泛视为不道德,给家庭带来痛苦。 The practice is legal but widely seen as unethical due to lack of consent, causing distress to families. 自2019年以来,至少有332个医疗设备在林业发展局的核准书中引用了尸体保存研究,但确切使用人数不详。 At least 332 medical devices since 2019 cited cadaveric studies in their FDA approvals, though exact usage numbers are unknown.