得克萨斯州国会议员要求州医检人员解释 未经家庭同意 使用不明身体进行研究 Texas Congress members request explanations from county medical examiners on unclaimed body use in research without family consent.
德克萨斯州国会议员贾斯敏·克罗克特 (Jasmine Crockett) 和马克·维西 (Marc Veasey) 正在寻求问责,此前 NBC 新闻披露,包括退伍军人在内的无人认领的尸体在未经家人同意的情况下被用于医学研究。 Texas Congress members Jasmine Crockett and Marc Veasey are seeking accountability after NBC News revealed that unclaimed bodies, including veterans, were used for medical research without family consent. 他们要求达拉斯和塔兰特州体检人员解释其通知程序和同意协议,截止日期为11月30日。 They have requested explanations from Dallas and Tarrant county medical examiners regarding their notification processes and consent protocols, with a deadline of November 30. 北得克萨斯大学健康科学中心自此中止了身体捐赠方案,并启动了一项调查。 The University of North Texas Health Science Center has since suspended its body donation program and initiated an investigation.