阿萨姆步枪和海关在特里普拉缴获了价值2.6卢比的走私香烟,逮捕一人。 Assam Rifles and Customs seized smuggled cigarettes worth Rs 2.6 crore in Tripura, arresting one person.
阿萨姆步枪公司和特里普拉海关局没收了走私的外国香烟,价值2.6卢比,涉及270箱和约25万支棒。 Assam Rifles and the Customs Department in Tripura seized smuggled foreign cigarettes worth Rs 2.6 crore, involving 270 cartons and about 25 lakh sticks. 一人被逮捕。 One person was arrested. 在此之前,在Mizoram也采取了类似行动,查获了77起外国香烟,价值1.1卢比,突出显示目前正在努力遏制东北部地区的走私活动。 This operation follows a similar one in Mizoram where 77 cases of foreign cigarettes worth Rs 1.1 crore were seized, highlighting ongoing efforts to curb smuggling in the Northeast region.