Angelina Jolie的儿子在Netflix拍摄她的生动片“Maria”时目睹了她的情感斗争。 Angelina Jolie's sons witnessed her emotional struggles while filming her biopic "Maria" on Netflix.
Angelina Jolie在BBC的采访中分享了她的儿子Maddox和Pax在Netflix拍摄她的新生物片“Maria”时目睹了她的情感斗争。 Angelina Jolie shared in a BBC interview that her sons Maddox and Pax witnessed her emotional struggles while filming her new biopic "Maria" on Netflix. 电影是关于歌剧歌手Maria Callas的, 看到演员的孩子在现场做制作助理。 The film, about opera singer Maria Callas, saw the actor's children working as production assistants on set. Jolie表示,他们的支持帮助她克服了感情负担的作用,她说,她通常躲在她们身上。 Jolie expressed that their support helped her through the emotionally taxing role, which she says she usually hides from them. 影片于12月11日首映, 虽然批评者赞扬Jolie的表现, The film premiered on December 11 and has received mixed reviews, though critics praise Jolie's performance.