安吉丽娜·朱莉 (Angelina Jolie) 在 IMDb 采访中讨论了与玛丽亚·卡拉斯 (Maria Callas) 的隐居生活的联系。 Angelina Jolie discusses connecting with Maria Callas's reclusive life in an IMDb interview.
安吉丽娜·朱莉 (Angelina Jolie) 在 IMDb 采访中讨论了她最近对歌剧歌手玛丽亚·卡拉斯 (Maria Callas) 的刻画,分享了她自己与名声的斗争以及与家人共度的时光如何帮助她与卡拉斯的隐居时期建立联系。 Angelina Jolie discussed her recent portrayal of opera singer Maria Callas in an IMDb interview, sharing how her own struggles with fame and time spent with her family helped her connect with Callas's reclusive period. 朱莉表达了她对表演的持久热情,并表示如果她的名气消退,她会很高兴成为一名母亲。 Jolie expressed her enduring passion for acting and said she would be happy to be just a mom if her fame fades.