12月17日, 一名78岁女性在西门罗(West Monroe)穿越高速公路时身亡。 A 78-year-old woman was killed while crossing a highway in West Monroe on December 17.
2024年12月17日, 一位78岁的妇女Carolyn Hudson在西门罗州东Bawcom街附近穿越路易斯安那34号公路时, 遭2010年克莱斯勒镇和乡村袭击, A 78-year-old woman, Carolyn Hudson, was killed on December 17, 2024, when she was struck by a 2010 Chrysler Town and Country while walking across Louisiana Highway 34 near East Bawcom Street in West Monroe. 这名司机没有受伤,没有被怀疑有损伤,尽管进一步的毒理测试尚待进行。 The driver, who was not injured, was not suspected of impairment, though further toxicology tests are pending. 调查仍在进行中,突出了行人安全的重要性。 The investigation is ongoing, highlighting the importance of pedestrian safety.