妇女诈骗了34 000英镑的前男友的假病,判处缓刑。 Woman scams ex-boyfriend out of £34,000 with fake illness, sentenced to suspended jail term.
英国切斯特的一位43岁的妇女谎称她的前男友生病并需要钱治疗,骗了她34 000英镑的前男友。 A 43-year-old woman in Chester, England, conned her ex-boyfriend out of £34,000 by falsely claiming she was ill and needed money for medical treatment. 骗局持续了两年,涉及伪造电子邮件和帮凶假扮医生。 The scam lasted two years and involved fake emails and accomplices posing as doctors. 几乎失去房子的受害人于2023年发现了欺诈。 The victim, who nearly lost his house, discovered the fraud in 2023. 妇女Marta Szymanska将钱花在酒精上,被判处20个月缓期监禁。 The woman, Marta Szymanska, spent the money on alcohol and was sentenced to a 20-month suspended jail term.