82岁的Hertfordshire妇女因银行诈骗损失250英镑;2021年英国欺诈损失1.2bn英镑。 82-year-old Hertfordshire woman loses £250k to bank scam; £1.2bn lost to UK fraud in 2021.
来自赫特福德郡的82岁妇女伊丽莎白在由冒充银行官员的骗子策划的欺诈性投资计划中损失了25万英镑。 An 82-year-old woman from Hertfordshire, Elizabeth, lost £250,000 in a fraudulent investment scheme orchestrated by a scammer posing as a bank official. 八周多来,她被操纵为假项目转移资金。 Over eight weeks, she was manipulated into transferring funds for fictitious projects. 在报案后,她的银行偿还了她的大部分损失。 After reporting the crime, her bank reimbursed most of her losses. Hertfordshire县议会正与公民咨询协会合作,提高对金融骗局的认识,因为联合王国消费者在2021年因欺诈损失了12亿英镑。 Hertfordshire County Council is collaborating with Citizens Advice to raise awareness about financial scams, as UK consumers lost £1.2 billion to fraud in 2021.