温斯顿保守俱乐部在一场混合活动中发生斗殴导致四人住院后面临新的安全措施。 Winston Conservative Club faces new security measures after a brawl left four hospitalized during a mixed event.
11 月 4 日,曼彻斯特温斯顿保守俱乐部 (Winston Conservative Club) 在生日和葬礼活动期间发生暴力斗殴,导致四名男子重伤住院。 A violent brawl at Winston Conservative Club in Manchester on November 4, during a combined birthday and funeral event, left four men hospitalized with severe injuries. 事件发生后,曼彻斯特市议会命令俱乐部为60多人的事件雇用一名警卫,安装经过改进的闭路电视,并提供额外的工作人员安全培训。 Following the incident, Manchester City Council ordered the club to hire a security guard for events over 60 attendees, install improved CCTV, and provide additional staff training for security. 俱乐部管理层以费用问题为由反对这些措施,但议员坚持新的安全协议。 The club's management objected to these measures, citing cost concerns, but councillors insisted on the new security protocols.