英国游客必须在年终前访问罗马尼亚和保加利亚,以避免新的埃蒂学会许可证要求。 UK tourists must visit Romania and Bulgaria by year-end to avoid new ETIAS permit requirements.
英国游客到12月31日必须不受限制地访问罗马尼亚和保加利亚。 UK tourists have until December 31st to visit Romania and Bulgaria without restrictions. 从1月1日起,这些国家将加入申根区,要求英国旅行者取得埃塔伊斯特许可证,费用为7欧元,允许在180天期限内停留90天。 Starting January 1, these countries will join the Schengen Zone, requiring British travelers to obtain an ETIAS permit, costing €7, which allows 90-day stays within a 180-day period. 该系统将于明年全面运作。 The system will be fully operational next year.