Teen Saulo Soto-Veliz被指控为谋杀堂兄的成年人;兄弟被控篡改证据。 Teen Saulo Soto-Veliz charged as adult in cousin's murder; brother charged with evidence tampering.
17岁的Saulo Soto-Veliz被指控为成年人,被控在康涅狄格州哈特福德谋杀他的18岁的表弟Edgar Martinez。 A 17-year-old, Saulo Soto-Veliz, is charged as an adult for the murder of his 18-year-old cousin, Edgar Martinez, in Hartford, Connecticut. 事件发生在11月初,Martinez的尸体被发现被包裹在高速公路附近的一个安慰器中。 The incident occurred in early November, with Martinez's body found wrapped in a comforter near a highway. Saulo的兄弟Soto-Veliz的发件人因篡改证据和妨碍起诉而面临指控。 Sender Soto-Veliz, Saulo's brother, faces charges for tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution. 包括他的姨妈维罗妮卡(Veronica)在内的Martinez家庭正在为Edgar寻求正义, The Martinez family, including his aunt Veronica, is seeking justice for Edgar, who had moved to the US from Guatemala to pursue his dreams.