鞋区面临成本上升和销售量下降,警告要将利润减半和关闭商店。 Shoe Zone, facing rising costs and lower sales, warns of halved profits and store closures.
联合王国的鞋零售商Shoe Zone正在关闭一些商店,因为较高的国家保险和最低工资上涨增加了成本。 Shoe Zone, a UK shoe retailer, is closing some stores due to increased costs from higher national insurance and minimum wage hikes. 该公司报告说,年销售额下降了2.7%,预计利润将从去年的1 620万英镑下降到至少960万英镑。 The company reported a 2.7% drop in annual sales and expects profits to fall to at least £9.6 million, down from £16.2 million last year. 利润警告是在艰难的贸易条件和不断上升的通货膨胀中发出的,公司股份下降49%。 The profit warning comes amid tough trading conditions and rising inflation, with the company's shares dropping by 49%.