桑坦德公司准备进入加拿大银行市场,提供无费、高息在线服务。 Santander prepares to enter Canada's banking market with a no-fee, high-interest online service.
一家全球银行桑坦德(Santander)即将扩大在加拿大有竞争力的银行部门的服务,由六大银行主导。 Santander, a global bank, is close to expanding its services in Canada's competitive banking sector, dominated by the Big Six banks. 银行计划推出一个免费高息在线银行服务, 类似于美国开放银行提供吸引存款。 The bank plans to launch a no-fee, high-interest online banking service similar to its U.S. Openbank offering to attract deposits. 尽管一些国际银行在过去取得了成功,但桑坦德州由于六大集团的强大市场存在和相对较小的市场规模而面临重大挑战。 Despite some international banks having found success in the past, Santander faces significant challenges due to the Big Six's strong market presence and the relatively small market size.