昆士兰州提供2M元来拯救财政困难的Isa Rodeo山。 Queensland provides $2M to save the financially troubled Mount Isa Rodeo, a key local event.
昆士兰州政府又向伊萨山市议会提供了200万美元,以支持伊萨罗德奥山的继续,这是一个吸引约25 000名游客的重要当地活动。 The Queensland government has provided an additional $2 million to the Mount Isa City Council to support the continuation of the Mount Isa Rodeo, a key local event that draws about 25,000 visitors. 由于财政问题,牛仔团进入了自愿行政管理,短缺约100万美元。 The rodeo had entered voluntary administration due to financial issues, with a shortfall of around $1 million. 供资旨在维护该活动及其对该地区的经济利益,但行政人员警告说,至少需要200万美元,以确保2025年该活动的生存。 The funding aims to preserve the event and its economic benefits to the area, though administrators warn that at least $2 million is needed to ensure its survival for 2025.