教皇弗朗西斯任命伊亚德·特瓦尔神父为耶路撒冷在约旦的拉丁教区附属主教。 Pope Francis appoints Father Iyad Twal as auxiliary bishop for Jerusalem's Latins diocese in Jordan.
教皇弗朗西斯任命伊亚德·特瓦尔神父为约旦拉丁人耶路撒冷宗法教区副主教,并担任西米尼亚神主教。 Pope Francis appointed Father Iyad Twal as auxiliary bishop for the patriarchal diocese of Jerusalem of the Latins for Jordan and as titular bishop of Siminia. Twal生于约旦安曼,1998年被任命为神父,在牧业和教育中担任各种职务。 Born in Amman, Jordan, Twal was ordained a priest in 1998 and has held various roles in pastoral and education. 耶路撒冷的拉丁牧首Pierbattista Pizosballa主教对这次任命表示感谢,并要求为Twal祈祷,他的圣公会圣礼日期和地点尚未确定。 The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, expressed gratitude for the appointment and asked for prayers for Twal, whose episcopal consecration date and location are pending.