教皇弗朗西斯任命印度教士乔治·雅各布·科瓦卡德为红衣主教,这是印度首任神父。 Pope Francis appoints Indian priest George Jacob Koovakad as cardinal, a first for India from a priest.
教皇弗朗西斯将51岁的印度牧师乔治·雅各布·科瓦卡德提升为红衣主教级,标志着一位神父从印度直升为红衣主教。 Pope Francis elevated 51-year-old Indian priest George Jacob Koovakad to the rank of cardinal, marking the first direct elevation of a priest to cardinal from India. 组织教皇弗朗西斯国际旅行的Koovakad, 加入另外五个印度红衣主教行列。 Koovakad, who organizes Pope Francis' international travel, joins five other Indian cardinals. 总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)对Koovakad表示祝贺, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Koovakad, calling it a matter of pride for the nation. 圣彼得巴西利卡的仪式包括21位来自世界各地的新红衣主教的就职典礼。 The ceremony at St. Peter's Basilica included the induction of 21 new cardinals from around the world.