在河岸崩塌后,警方宣布Sungai Kelantan附近的灾区为灾区;公众敦促不要靠近灾区。 Police declare disaster zone near Sungai Kelantan after riverbank collapse; public urged to stay away.
Kelantan警察宣布,在Jalan Post Office Lama的公寓和旅馆附近,在Sungai Kelantan河岸已倒塌的一带周围有一个灾区。 The Kelantan police have declared a disaster zone around a collapsed section of the Sungai Kelantan riverbank near a condominium and hotel on Jalan Post Office Lama. 尽管有警告和黄色录像带,人们仍继续访问该地区,促使警察局长Datuk Mohd Yusoff Mamat敦促公众出于安全风险而远离该地区。 Despite warnings and yellow tape, people continue to visit the area, prompting the police chief, Datuk Mohd Yusoff Mamat, to urge the public to stay away due to safety risks. 灌溉和排水部正在对该地区进行评估,恢复工作正在进行中,尽管尚未确定时间表。 The Department of Irrigation and Drainage is assessing the area, and restoration efforts are underway, though no timeline has been set.