Sungai Kelantan河岸的一条路倒塌,破坏了一条娱乐通道,并威胁附近的建筑物。 A section of Sungai Kelantan riverbank collapsed, damaging a recreational path and threatening nearby buildings.
Sungai Kelantan河岸的Sungai Kelantan河岸50米部分在Kota Bharu坍塌,破坏了附近的大众娱乐通道,引起邻近公寓楼和旅馆的安全问题。 A 50-meter section of the Sungai Kelantan riverbank collapsed in Kota Bharu, damaging a nearby popular recreational path and raising safety concerns for an adjacent apartment building and hotel. 通常用于休闲的这条道路跌落了约10米。 The path, often used for leisure, fell about 10 meters. 当局正在调查原因,据信是最近洪水造成的侵蚀,并封锁了这一地区。 Authorities are investigating the cause, believed to be erosion from recent floods, and have cordoned off the area.