巴基斯坦提出法案,限制非纳税人的金融活动,以遏制逃税行为。 Pakistan proposes bill to restrict financial activities of tax non-filers to curb evasion.
巴基斯坦财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb提议一项法案, 限制购买800cc以上的车辆、开立银行账户、购买超过一定限度的财产或股份以及进行大型银行交易。 Pakistan's Finance Minister, Muhammad Aurangzeb, has proposed a bill to restrict non-filers from purchasing vehicles over 800cc, opening bank accounts, buying property or shares beyond certain limits, and making large banking transactions. 该法案还允许政府冻结银行账户并扣押未注册企业的财产。 The bill also allows the government to freeze bank accounts and seize properties of unregistered businesses. 这些措施旨在遏制逃税现象,促进遵守税收规定,目标是提高巴基斯坦的税收与国内生产总值的比率。 These measures aim to curb tax evasion and boost tax compliance, with the goal of increasing Pakistan's tax-to-GDP ratio.