现在, 鱼卡让香港用户在中国使用微信支付付款, 便于旅行和商业. Octopus Cards now lets Hong Kong users pay with Weixin Pay in China, easing travel and commerce.
Octopus Cards Limited正在将其服务扩大到中国内地,允许用户在12月开始接受Weixin Pay QR 代码的商人用Octopus钱包付款。 Octopus Cards Limited is expanding its services to Mainland China, allowing users to pay with their Octopus wallet at merchants that accept Weixin Pay QR codes, starting in December. 用户可以以香港元充息, 像本地人一样付费, 外汇交易费在2024年底之前都免收。 Users can top up in Hong Kong Dollars and pay like locals, with foreign exchange transaction fees waived until the end of 2024. 此举旨在简化香港居民和内地旅行者的旅行和商业手续,增进旅游和商业便利。 This move aims to simplify travel and commerce for Hong Kong residents and Mainland travelers, enhancing convenience for tourism and business.