一名神秘学家声称,病人的康复是由于他的伊斯兰法院联盟仪式所致,但医院说这是医疗治疗。 An occultist claimed a patient's recovery was due to his ICU ritual, but hospital says it was medical treatment.
一位名叫 Mukesh Bhuva 的神秘学家在一段病毒视频中声称,他在印度艾哈迈达巴德民用医院的 ICU 进行了仪式,将他的行为归功于患者的康复。 An occultist named Mukesh Bhuva claimed in a viral video that he performed a ritual in an ICU at Ahmedabad Civil Hospital in India, crediting his actions for a patient's recovery. 由Rakesh Joshi博士率领的医院官员正在调查这一事件,并强调病人的康复是由于医疗而不是魔法。 Hospital officials, led by Dr. Rakesh Joshi, are investigating the incident and emphasize that the patient's recovery was due to medical treatment, not magic. 神秘主义者可能是通过冒充家庭成员进入 ICU 的。 The occultist may have entered the ICU by posing as a family member. 医院还寻求加强安全,以防止此类违反规定的行为。 The hospital is also looking to tighten security to prevent such breaches.