Khyati医院院长因因不必要的医疗程序造成病人死亡而被捕。 Chairman of Khyati Hospital arrested for roles in deaths of patients from unnecessary medical procedures.
Ahmedabad的Khyati多专业医院院长Kartik Patel因在根据PMJAY保健计划进行不必要的血管成形手术的两名病人的死亡中扮演的角色而被捕。 The chairman of Khyati Multispeciality Hospital in Ahmedabad, Kartik Patel, was arrested for his role in the deaths of two patients who underwent unnecessary angioplasty procedures under the PMJAY health scheme. Patel在艾哈迈达巴德机场被捕前, 逃避逮捕超过两个月。 Patel evaded arrest for over two months before being caught at Ahmedabad airport. 该医院组织了免费检查营,以说服PMJAY持卡人接受不必要的程序申请政府资金。 The hospital organized free checkup camps to convince PMJAY cardholders to undergo unnecessary procedures to claim government funds. 该案的所有九名被告现已全部被捕。 All nine accused in the case have now been apprehended.