核启动Oklo和Switch的目标是到2044年为数据中心开发12千兆瓦的核能。 Nuclear startup Oklo and Switch aim to develop 12 gigawatts of nuclear power by 2044 for data centers.
核启动Oklo和数据中心运营商Switch已同意到2044年开发12千兆瓦的新核能发电,相当于900多万家美国家庭每年使用的电力。 Nuclear startup Oklo and data center operator Switch have agreed to develop 12 gigawatts of new nuclear power by 2044, equivalent to the annual electricity used by over 9 million US homes. Oklo将建造和运营小型核电厂,第一家计划于2027年在爱达荷投入使用。 Oklo will build and operate small nuclear plants, with the first scheduled to be operational in Idaho by 2027. 非约束性协议旨在向美国各地的Switch数据中心提供清洁能源,这是有史以来最大的公司清洁电力交易之一。 The non-binding agreement aims to supply Switch's data centers across the U.S. with clean energy, marking one of the largest corporate clean power deals ever signed.