一名北爱尔兰警官因据称在一次“麻烦”活动期间对证人匿名造成虚假威胁而面临起诉。 A Northern Ireland police officer faces prosecution for allegedly creating a false threat to secure witness anonymity during a "Troubles" event.
一名北爱尔兰警官将因涉嫌阴谋歪曲司法而被起诉,因为他伪造威胁报告,以取得证人匿名令,与该流行病期间的“麻烦”纪念活动有关。 A Northern Ireland police officer will be prosecuted for allegedly conspiring to pervert justice by creating a false threat report to secure a witness anonymity order, related to a "Troubles" commemoration event during the pandemic. 这是在 PSNI 反腐败部门进行调查之后进行的。 This follows an investigation by the PSNI's Anti-Corruption Unit. 法院日期尚待确定。 The court date is pending. 检察官还决定,由于证据不足,对据称在事件中袭击警察的行为不指控一名平民。 Prosecutors also decided not to charge a civilian for an alleged assault on police during the event due to insufficient evidence.