马萨诸塞州新的 ADU 法律变化让老年人感到担忧,可能会在取消针对老年人的住房保护时将他们赶出去。 New ADU law changes in Massachusetts worry elders, may push them out as it lifts senior-specific housing protections.
马萨诸塞州的老年人担心,最近对附属住房单位(ADU)法律的修改可能会迫使他们随着年龄的增长而离开家园。 Elders in Massachusetts are concerned that recent changes in Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) laws may force them out of their homes as they age. 新法律取消了优先照顾老年人和残疾房主的要求,可能抬高房价和房租。 The new laws have removed requirements that prioritized elderly and disabled homeowners, potentially driving up home prices and rents. 这一转变可能使老年人更难留在自己的社区。 This shift could make it harder for seniors to stay in their communities. 有关新条例的公开评论在1月10日之前开放,最后规则预计将在2月公布。 Public comment on the new regulations is open until January 10, with final rules expected in February.