Jolley Stores和S. B.出售时向资本市场集团提供了咨询。 柯林斯到斯图尔特商店, 包括45家商店和热油生意。 Matrix Capital Markets Group advised on the sale of Jolley Stores and S.B. Collins to Stewart's Shops, including 45 stores and a heating oil business.
Jolley Stores和S. B.出售时向资本市场集团提供了咨询。 Matrix Capital Markets Group advised on the sale of Jolley Stores and S.B. 柯林斯到斯图尔特商店。 Collins to Stewart's Shops. 这笔交易包括45家便利商店和一家供热油业务。 The deal includes 45 convenience stores and a heating oil business. S.B. S.B. Collins成立于1920年代,1963年由Emanuel Jolley购买,后来随着Clarence Brown的收购而多样化。 Clarence Brown是一家长期的供暖石油公司。 Collins, founded in the 1920s, was purchased by Emanuel Jolley in 1963 and later diversified with the acquisition of Clarence Brown, a long-standing heating oil business. 矩阵为2024年12月17日完成的交易提供了咨询服务。 Matrix provided advisory services for the transaction, which was completed on December 17, 2024.