在马萨诸塞州因商店行窃和篡改反盗窃装置而被捕的男子面临多重指控。 Man arrested in Massachusetts for shoplifting and tampering with anti-theft devices, faces multiple charges.
来自新贝德福德的65岁男子John Vacchino Jr.于12月16日在Wareham被捕,因为他在目标商店行窃。 John Vacchino Jr., a 65-year-old man from New Bedford, was arrested in Wareham on December 16 for shoplifting at a Target store. 警方发现他拥有击败安全装置的工具。 Police found him in possession of tools to defeat security devices. 试图逃跑的Vacchino被控在商店行窃和与反盗窃装置有关的其他罪行,以及因未执行逮捕令而逃犯。 Vacchino, who attempted to flee, was charged with shoplifting and additional crimes related to anti-theft devices, as well as being a fugitive due to outstanding warrants. 他被关押而没有保释,次日被传讯。 He was held without bail and arraigned the next day.