涉嫌重犯抢劫犯安东尼·帕加诺 在康涅狄格州沃林福德被捕 面临多项指控 Suspected repeat robber Anthony Pagano was arrested in Wallingford, Connecticut, facing multiple charges.
Anthony Pagano 34岁 在康涅狄格州Wallingford被捕 涉嫌在Corner商店抢劫 Anthony Pagano, 34, was arrested in Wallingford, Connecticut, in connection with a robbery at The Corner Shoppe. Pagano最近涉嫌在华林福德和其他城市发生多起抢劫案。 Pagano is suspected of multiple recent robberies in Wallingford and other cities. 他被指控犯有一级抢劫罪、盗窃一辆机动车辆罪和第六级盗窃罪,保证金为500 000美元。 He was charged with first-degree robbery, larceny of a motor vehicle, and sixth-degree larceny, with a $500,000 bond. 预计还会逮捕更多人,他定于12月26日出庭。 Further arrests are expected, and he is scheduled to appear in court on December 26.