缅因州州长珍妮特·米尔斯授予四家公司在商业、创新、农村振兴和气候领导方面的卓越成就奖。 Maine Governor Janet Mills awarded four companies for excellence in business, innovation, rural revitalization, and climate leadership.
州长Janet Mills向四家缅因州公司颁发了杰出商业奖,表彰它们对国家经济和社区的贡献。 Governor Janet Mills honored four Maine companies with the Governor's Award for Business Excellence, recognizing their contributions to the state's economy and community. 缅因啤酒公司赢得了创新,Sargent公司赢得了农村振兴,Panolam地表系统赢得了遗产产业,Wex公司赢得了气候领导权。 Maine Beer Co. won for innovation, Sargent Co. for rural revitalization, Panolam Surface Systems for heritage industry, and Wex for climate leadership. 这些奖项始于1991年,表彰制造业和服务部门的卓越表现。 The awards, initiated in 1991, celebrate excellence in manufacturing and service sectors.