美洲虎健康组织(Jaguar Health)开始第二阶段研究,以治疗罕见的儿科消化障碍MVID。 Jaguar Health begins Phase 2 study for crofelemer to treat rare pediatric digestive disorder MVID.
Jaguar Health 已开始一项 2 期研究,以测试植物性药物 crofelemer 用于治疗微绒毛包涵体病 (MVID),这是一种导致严重腹泻和吸收不良的罕见儿科疾病。 Jaguar Health has started a Phase 2 study to test crofelemer, a plant-based drug, for treating Microvillus Inclusion Disease (MVID), a rare pediatric condition causing severe diarrhea and malabsorption. 克罗菲莱默已获得FDA和EMA的孤儿药物指定,用于MVID和肠衰竭的短肠综合征. Crofelemer has been granted Orphan-Drug Designation by the FDA and EMA for MVID and Short Bowel Syndrome with Intestinal Failure. 这项研究将在美国、欧洲和中东的一些地点进行,研究的一个条件是目前没有经过批准的药物治疗。 The study will be conducted at sites in the US, Europe, and the Middle East, addressing a condition with no current approved drug treatments.