Jaguar Health 向意大利、德国和阿联酋卫生当局提交了植物药 Crofelemer 的临床试验申请,用于治疗短肠综合征和微绒毛包涵体病。 Jaguar Health submits Clinical Trial Applications for plant-based drug crofelemer to Italian, German, and UAE health authorities for Short Bowel Syndrome and Microvillus Inclusion Disease.
Jaguar Health 向意大利和德国卫生当局提交了其植物药 crofelemer 的临床试验申请,用于治疗成人短肠综合征 (SBS) 和儿科患者的微绒毛包涵体病 (MVID)。 Jaguar Health submits Clinical Trial Applications for its plant-based drug, crofelemer, to Italian and German health authorities for treating Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) in adults and Microvillus Inclusion Disease (MVID) in pediatric patients. 阿拉伯联合酋长国的试验申请也正在受理中。 Applications for trials are also underway in the United Arab Emirates. Crofelemer 已获得 FDA 和 EMA 颁发的 MVID 和 SBS 孤儿药资格认定。 Crofelemer has received Orphan Drug Designation from the FDA and EMA for both MVID and SBS.