印度首次给恒河海豚作标记,帮助保护濒危物种。 India tags a Ganges River Dolphin for the first time, aiding endangered species conservation.
印度在阿萨姆州首次成功标记了恒河海豚,帮助保护濒危物种。 India successfully tagged a Ganges River Dolphin for the first time in Assam, aiding in the conservation of the endangered species. 标记是海豚项目的一部分,将有助于跟踪季节流动和生境使用。 The tagging, part of Project Dolphin, will help track seasonal movements and habitat use. 该倡议由印度野生生物研究所牵头,由国家CAMPA管理局资助,旨在为这些物种制定一个全面的养护计划,这对河流生态系统的健康至关重要。 This initiative, led by the Wildlife Institute of India and funded by the National CAMPA Authority, aims to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for the species, which is vital for river ecosystem health.