高等法院下令将亨廷顿的病人释放至护理设施,因为监狱中的危险行为。 High Court orders release of Huntington's patient to care facility due to dangerous behavior in prison.
一名患有亨廷顿病的30岁老人在获释出狱后,将转往护理设施,这一疾病导致认知严重下降。 A 30-year-old man with Huntington's disease, a condition causing severe cognitive decline, will be moved to a care facility upon his release from prison. 高等法院由于他的病情恶化和无法有效沟通,下令将他转移,这导致四次试图袭击狱警。 The High Court ordered the move due to his deteriorating condition and inability to communicate effectively, which led to four assault attempts on prison officers. 面临攻击指控的男子因其冲动和监狱环境不适合他的需求而被视为危险。 The man, who faces assault charges, is considered dangerous due to his impulsiveness and the unsuitability of the prison environment for his needs.