由于需求不断增长和发电速度缓慢,美国一半人口面临电力短缺的高度风险。 Half of the U.S. faces high power shortage risks due to growing demand and slow power generation expansion.
据北美电力公司称,美国一半人口在未来十年内面临电力短缺的高度风险。 Half of the U.S. is at high risk of power shortages in the next decade, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. 这一风险是由于AI数据中心和电气化运输的电力需求增加,加上新发电量增长缓慢。 This risk is due to increasing electricity demand from AI data centers and electrified transportation, coupled with the slow addition of new power generation. 报告强调了电网运营商面临的挑战,特别是在中西部,因为太阳能和电池项目没有以足够快的速度取代退役的化石燃料厂。 The report highlights challenges for grid operators, especially in the Midwest, as retiring fossil-fuel plants are not being replaced quickly enough with solar and battery projects.