Golar LNG取消Golar Gandria之后的Seatrium FLNG变换交易, Golar LNG cancels Seatrium FLNG conversion deal post-Golar Gandria sale for demolition.
Golar LNG在出售Golar Gandria号运输船供拆除后,取消了与Seatrium公司关于转换漂浮液化天然气(FLNG)船的协议。 Golar LNG has canceled its agreement with Seatrium to convert a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) vessel, after selling the Golar Gandria carrier for demolition. 此前,Seatrium曾向Golar LNG交付了两艘FLNG船只。 Seatrium had previously delivered two FLNG vessels to Golar LNG. 这一取消从2024年12月16日起生效, 不会对Seatrium今年的财务表现产生重大影响。 This cancellation, effective December 16, 2024, won't significantly impact Seatrium's financial performance this year. 对可持续的天然气解决方案和近海能源开发仍然持乐观态度。 Seatrium remains optimistic about sustainable gas solutions and offshore energy development.