闪电队面对野马队,他们需要一场胜利才能从输给海盗队的比赛中反弹。 Chargers face Broncos, needing a win to bounce back from loss to Buccaneers.
圣地亚哥闪电队将在周四迎战丹佛野马队,在输给坦帕湾海盗队后,他们的表现将至关重要。 The San Diego Chargers face the Denver Broncos on Thursday, and their performance will be crucial after losing to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 闪电队需要很好地应对那场失败,才能在他们的赛季中保持竞争力。 The Chargers need to respond well to that defeat to stay competitive in their season.