孟加拉国环境顾问强调需要适当使用气候基金和减少排放。 Bangladesh's Environment Adviser stressed the need for proper use of climate funds and reducing emissions.
孟加拉国环境顾问Syeda Rizwana Hasan在一次BISIS研讨会上强调政府承诺有效利用气候基金。 Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Bangladesh's Environment Adviser, stressed the government's commitment to effective use of climate funds at a BIISS seminar. 她强调了气候变化信托基金分配准则的更新,并强调需要适当使用国际资金。 She highlighted updated guidelines for allocating the Climate Change Trust Fund and emphasized the need for proper use of international funds. Hasan警告说,减少碳排放对于减轻环境损害至关重要。 Hasan warned that reducing carbon emissions is crucial for mitigating environmental damage. 她还讨论了提高复原力和确保供资的努力,同时呼吁作出透明的全球承诺。 She also discussed efforts to enhance resilience and secure funding while calling for transparent global commitments.