一名5岁女孩在被其3岁兄弟用无担保的枪射中后处于危急状态。 A 5-year-old girl is in critical condition after being shot by her 3-year-old brother with an unsecured gun.
一名在华盛顿特区西南部的5岁女孩在被其3岁兄弟开枪击中后处于危急状态。 A 5-year-old girl in Southwest D.C. is in critical condition after being shot by her 3-year-old brother, who accessed an unsecured gun in their apartment. 事件发生在星期一下午6时30分左右,这名女孩被带往医院,身上有枪伤。 The incident occurred on Monday around 6:30 PM, and the girl was taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound. 一名看孩子的男子被逮捕,并被指控对儿童施以残酷对待。 A man watching the children was arrested and charged with cruelty to children. 警察局长Pamela Smith强调了枪支安全的重要性,尤其是在有孩子的家中。 Police Chief Pamela Smith highlighted the importance of firearm safety, especially in homes with children.