NM Clayton的一名17岁女孩意外地射杀了8岁的妹妹,她处于危急状态。 A 17-year-old in Clayton, NM, accidentally shot his 8-year-old sister, who is in critical condition.
在新墨西哥州克莱顿,一个17岁的男孩Gio Blan在准备上学时意外开枪击中他的8岁妹妹的头部。 In Clayton, New Mexico, a 17-year-old boy, Gio Blan, accidentally shot his 8-year-old sister in the head while preparing for school. 他认为手枪已经卸下,他用枪指着她并扣动扳机。 Believing the handgun was unloaded, he pointed it at her and pulled the trigger. 该女孩在被送往得克萨斯州一家医院后处于危急状态。 The girl is in critical condition after being transported to a Texas hospital. Blan被控严重殴打、玩忽职守地使用武器和在处置不属于家人的枪后篡改证据。 Blan has been charged with aggravated battery, negligent use of a weapon, and tampering with evidence after disposing of the gun, which did not belong to the family.