英国Shelingham Shoul和Dudton风力农场合并为1.5M家庭, 刺激经济370M英镑。 UK's Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farms merge to power 1.5M homes, boost economy by £370M.
联合王国的两大风力农场推广项目 -- -- Sheringham Shoal和Dudoon -- -- 将作为一个项目开发,旨在为近150万个家庭供电,并为经济创造3.7亿英镑。 Two major UK wind farm extension projects, Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon, will be developed as one, aiming to power nearly 1.5 million homes and generate over £370 million for the economy. 联合项目经批准后预计将降低成本和环境影响,这是联合王国第一个将两个单独拥有的离岸风力项目合并为一个应用项目的项目。 The joint project, subject to approval, is expected to reduce costs and environmental impact, marking the first in the UK where two separately owned offshore wind projects are combined under one application. 负责该项目的Equinor公司强调了增加价值和尽量减少干扰的潜力. Equinor, leading the project, highlights potential for increased value and minimized disruption.