乌克兰公开了“Tryzub”, 一种新的激光武器, 用来击落飞机, 以及无人机母舰的计划。 Ukraine unveils "Tryzub," a new laser weapon to shoot down aircraft, and plans for drone motherships.
乌克兰已揭开一种新的激光武器“Tryzub”, 能够在2公里高空击落敌机。 Ukraine has unveiled a new laser weapon, "Tryzub," capable of shooting down enemy aircraft at altitudes over 2 kilometers. 无人机系统部队指挥官Vadym Sukharevskyi宣布了这项发展,称其为“真正的突破”。 Commander of Unmanned Systems Forces, Vadym Sukharevskyi, announced this development, calling it a "real breakthrough." 乌克兰还在努力开发无人机母舰,可远距离运载和部署小型无人机。 Ukraine is also working on drone motherships that can carry and deploy smaller drones over long distances. 这些进步是旨在涵盖空中、陆地和水上作业的新单位的一部分。 These advancements are part of a new unit aiming to cover air, land, and water operations.