俄罗斯计划在2025年年中之前, 在无人机使用增加的情况下, 建立新的“无人机系统部队”分支。 Russia plans new 'Unmanned Systems Forces' branch by mid-2025, amid increased drone use.
俄罗斯国防部长安德烈·贝洛索夫计划在俄罗斯武装部队内建立一个新的"无人系统部队"分支,可能在2025年第三季度完成. Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov plans to create a new 'Unmanned Systems Forces' branch within Russia's armed forces, potentially completed by the third quarter of 2025. 这是继乌克兰今年早些时候建立自己的无人机部队之后。 This follows Ukraine's establishment of its own Drone Forces earlier this year. 俄罗斯领导人弗拉基米尔·普京指出,每天有数千架无人机提供给俄罗斯军队。 Russian leader Vladimir Putin stated that thousands of drones are being supplied daily to Russian military forces.